The Best Defense Against Ransomware

The Best Defense Against Ransomware

Ransomware is a type of malicious software that encrypts files on a device or network, making them unusable until the victim pays the attacker a ransom. What started as a simple virus spread through floppy discs in the late 1980s has now evolved into a billion-dollar...
Four Ways Disasters Fuel Cyberattacks

Four Ways Disasters Fuel Cyberattacks

Your business, in all likelihood, already faces numerous challenges in today’s tech-driven world. However, the aftermath of an unexpected disaster can push your organization to breaking point. This unintentionally creates opportunities for cybercriminals to launch...
Top 9 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Cybersecurity

Top 9 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Cybersecurity

 When it comes to protecting your business from cyberthreats, having the right tools and technology is only half the battle. You also need the expertise, controls and processes to manage and mitigate these threats effectively. That’s where a managed security service...